
We offer a variety of opportunities for sharing your time and talent with our parish community.  Listed below is a brief outline of our current ministries.  If you would like a more detailed description, please click on the ministry that interests you.


Adult Faith Formation - programs for adults to grow in appreciation of their faith

Communications Committee - responsible for a comprehensive, multi-faceted communication program to provide information about the parish, its ministries and activities 

Cursillo - a retreat experience of living in Christian community

Faith Formation - classes for children in grades 1 through 8 (formerly Religious Education)

RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.  A rite facilitating bringing non-Catholics into the faith and for baptized Catholics seeking additional sacraments.

Sharing the Sunday Readings - discussion of upcoming Sunday scripture readings - virtually via Zoom, Tuesdays 6:30 - 8 p.m. 


Altar Servers - all youth 3rd grade or older

Art and Environment - church decoration

Church Cleaning - weekly cleaning of church

Eucharistic Companions - Eucharistic adoration, first Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Eucharistic Ministers and Ministry to the Homebound - at mass and at home

Greeters - welcome parishioners and guests at each mass

Lectors - proclaim the Word of God at masses and other religious ceremonies

Liturgy of the Word for Children - school age children celebrate the Word during the 11:15 mass

Music Ministry - cantors, instrumentalists, adult choir and children's choir

Sacristans - persons in charge of the sacristy and ceremonial and liturgical items

Ushers - assist with seating, gift giving and collections


BINGO - every Friday evening from Memorial Day to Labor Day, parish hall

Faith Outreach - promotes Christian life and Christian community using social media, printed resources, and association with local churches

Hospitality Team - develop fundraising events, prepare food and refreshments for weekly coffee hour and various parish events and gatherings

Knights of Columbus - provide assistance to the parish and the community through works of charity, fundraising events and social activities

Parish Activities Team - fundraising and social activities

Prayer Shawl Ministry -creates prayer shawls to be given to elderly, sick, homebound, veterans and circle friends

Stitchers and Crafters - fundraising through sale of handcrafted items, Mondays 10 a.m., parish hall

The Tea Party Ladies for Mary - a group of women whose purpose is devotion to Mary and offering opportunities for other women to grow in this devotion too

Welcome Committee - welcome newly registered parishioners and assist in assimilating them into parish life.


Adopt-A-Highway - caring for assigned section of Route 739

Buildings and Grounds - long-range planning for maintenance and improvements as well as hands-on maintenance projects

Faithful Stewards - develops strategies for sharing the joy they have experienced in sharing their time, talent and treasure and encouraging others to do the same

Funeral Service Volunteers - preparation and assistance with funeral liturgy services as well as repast support

Grief Support Group - four or six-week series on Mondays at various times during the year.  The next series will be a six-week series beginning April 14, 2025

Living Your Strengths - learning and understanding the top five gifts God has given to each individual

Loaves and Fishes Gift Card Program - ongoing fund raiser which helps St Vincent de Paul Parish financially throughout the year

Offering Counters - count weekly collection

Parish Sharing Fund - assists parishioners and others in the community who are in need

Prison Ministry - outreach to the Pike County Correctional Facility

Reaching Out - parishioners supporting others with meals, phone contact, transportation, etc.