Prayer Shawl Ministry

“We take up our needles and yarn...and...we knit.  God took earth, sea, and sky to create this world. He knitted it all together, and said, it was good.” (Myrtle L. Council; the Prayer Shawl Companion. 2008)

The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides hope, comfort, and healing.  It is a unique way of reaching out to the community in a very tactile way. A prayer shawl can be seen as a symbolic “hug” from God.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry brings together people who share a similar interest to share in fellowship and to put to use the talent of knitting and crocheting to create prayer shawls that will be given away to help spread the message of God’s mercy, love and compassion.

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry’s vision is to bring Gods love through our knitting and crocheting stitches. Everyone is welcome and we will eagerly teach any level of knitting or crocheting. Our mission is to send our prayer shawls to those in need that include our young, elderly, sick, homebound, veterans, and circle friends.

Contact:  Beth Bolehala email