We, the Catholic community of the Diocese of Scranton, are called through Baptism to imitate the servant leadership of Jesus Christ. In union with our Holy Father, the Pope, we proclaim the Gospel faithfully, celebrate the sacraments joyfully, and boldly promote life, justice and peace in northeastern and north central Pennsylvania.
Rev. Edward Casey, Pastor email
Rev. Binesh Joseph Kanjirakattu, Senior Priest
Pastors Emeriti: Msgr. William P. Ward
Rev. Paul M. Mullen
Deacon Joseph A. LaCorte email
Deacon John Hanley
Deacon Emeritus Joseph A. D’Aiello
Jo-Ann Fay, Financial Secretary email
Liz Actisdano, Administrative Assistant email
Lorraine Schmidt, Majordomo
Janine Egan, Director of Music Ministry email
Vacant, Maintenance and Grounds
Bishop: Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, the local successor to the apostles in union with the whole Universal Church, is the chief pastor of the Scranton Diocese. The pastor of each parish is appointed by the Bishop, who delegates the pastor to oversee the ministry of the local church.
Pastor/Senior Priest: Father Edward Casey leads our community in worship, work with the Pastoral Staff in sharing the Word and coordinate the works of Christian Service in the parish. With the Administrative Staff and Pastoral Staff, the Pastor is responsible for the stewardship of the local church.
Deacons: The Deacons work with the Pastor in the ordained ministry of the parish. All Deacons share in the Ministry of Worship, Word and Service. In addition, our Deacons have been appointed to the following areas of service:
- Baptismal Catechesis
- Care of the sick
- Prison ministry
Pastoral Staff
- The Administrative Assistant performs the duties of a Parish Secretary, but more importantly, offers administrative support to the Pastor as well as the many daily activities normally associated with the efficient functioning of a well-organized parish.
- The Director of Faith Formation gives leadership to our formation program for children, ages 6 to 14. The Director plays a key role in our partnership with families by providing teacher formation, organizing our many faceted offerings, and communication with our parent population.
- The Director of Music provides leadership for the music ministry at the weekend liturgies. Calling forth the talent of cantor and choir member, she provides various musical groups with a selection of music that expresses the prayer of each season.
- The Financial Secretary assists the pastor in the financial administration of our parish. She maintains a record of all income and expenditures, providing a monthly summary of our financial life for the pastor, and prepares a three-month summary for our Finance Council.
- The Maintenance Director coordinates the maintenance staff, oversees the care of our buildings, and works with the administrative assistant in scheduling the use of these properties. With the Buildings and Grounds committee he creates a plan that keeps our parish properties clean and functioning
Contact: Parish Office 570-686-4545 email