Faith Formation
Our parish partners with families to offer Family Faith Enrichment and classes of Faith Formation for children, grades 1-8. We believe young people are initiated into the Christian faith by belonging to families who celebrate sacraments, participate weekly in the Sunday Eucharist, and actively participate in parish community life. Classes of formation help a child understand the church community’s experience of Worship, Word and Service.
Schedule of Sessions
Our Parish offers sessions which accommodate our families’ busy lifestyles. However, we challenge families to participate fully in parish life. Our schedule of one-hour and fifteen minute weekly classes are:
Sundays: 9:45 - 11:00 a.m.
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open now. Download and print the registration form and send to or drop off at the parish office.
Opportunities for Service
- Catechist: Adults or older teens can serve as catechists. They must have a desire and skill to share their faith with their students. Training is available with valuable classroom teacher guides. Catechists commit to a weekly one-hour and fifteen minute class.
- Classroom Aide: Our classes consist of no more than 18 children. However, the assistance of an aide allows the catechist to offer an organized class experience, with the flexibility to make the classroom atmosphere relaxed, with time for personal attention to children.
- Office Aide: An individual who is willing to assist during class time each week doing simple office tasks. Shredding papers, organizing paperwork, stuffing envelopes, etc. are some of the simple yet valuable ways an office aide can assist the program
Anyone who volunteers in our program must complete VIRTUS; the Diocesan certification program for the protection of children. They also must meet all Pennsylvania state requirements for anyone over 18 years of age who works with children.
St. Vincent Parish uses the notification service, REMIND, which allows one-way messages via text, push notifications or email to everyone who chooses to participate. This is the only way parents will be alerted regarding cancellations or changes to faith formation classes. Click here for setup instructions.
For further information about our Faith Formation program, or if you have a desire to be involved in one of the Faith Formation ministries, please contact one of our Faith Formation staff members:
Coordinators: Diane Quintiliani and Lillian Grompone
Faith Formation Office: (570) 686-4545 email